The yoni animal of Shravana is the female monkey. From the monkey we grab the gist of an animal swinging here from there and always looking out for the highest branch of the tree to sit at. Monkeys are clever, clean and social. We have seen these animals picking out lice from their friend and family. It represents the bond shared by these animals.
So are the natives of Shravana who are smart and social. These people usually switch jobs as they find it hard to continue with the monotonous jobs. It is the urge of these people to find the job with great significance. However, these people are great at adopting any kind of circumstances easily.
The symbol of Shravana nakshatra are three footsteps, ear and a trident. Shravana is derived from a sanskrit word ‘Shru’ which means to hear. So, the meaning of Shravana is ‘acquiring knowledge by hearing.’
The ear signifies the ability of these people to even grab those sounds which is beyond the normal body to get. It represents that these people always focus on good advice, information as well as compliments.

The deity of Sharavana is Vishnu who is the Preserver of Universe.
After Mahabali, an Asura King and great grandson of Hiranyakshipu who took the authority of Indra over heaven, Vishnu was descended as Vaman on earth. He approached Mahabali in the avatar of a simple saint or Brahmin. He requested the Asura King to grant him three paces of land. Even after getting a big no from his guru, Mahabali agreed on the terms of the Brahmin.
As soon as, Mahabali consented for the demand, Vishnu revealed himself and took the gigantic form. With his huge body, he took a first step from heaven to earth. In the second feet, he covered earth to netherworld. After all of this, Mahabali had left with nothing to offer so he asked to step over his head in order to fulfil the demand.
The natives of this nakshatra make great couple with Swathi, Krittika, and Anuradha nakshatra. However, Moola and Mrigashira are incompatible partners for them.
astrologers therapists, operators, engineers, healers, language Professors, comedians, psychologists, geologists, linguists, radio teachers, musicians, translators, telecommunication speech
Eczema, leprosy, pus formation, tuberculosis, rheumatism, pleurisy, filariasis, and poor digestion are all common among natives.

Shravana is the chara quality which means movable. Hence, this nakshatra is good for initiating work that demands the movement such as posting a letter.
The caste of Shravana is Mleccha (Outcaste). Individuals from Shravana have an outcaste outlook on life since they have strong inclinations toward music, psychology, and being those who desire to understand and relate to the land.
Ju, Jay, Jo, Gha are the sounds appropriate for these people. Sounds have the great significance in life.
The Shravana people’s solution is to always listen. Before passing any judgments, responding, or making a choice, take the time to listen. You will only draw situations and opportunities in which you will miss the entire boat if you do not listen. Another option is to go for a stroll, preferably barefoot on grass. Walking on grass will increase the strength of these natives’ innate feelings as well as their intelligence.
Guna are of three types in total. This profile tells us about the personality of someone. The Guna of this nakshtara is Rajas. This Guna encourages for completing the task you left midway. Rajas highlights the power of creativity that is present in the whole universe.
Gana (Race)
Gana defines all kinds of relationship between the native and other people. There are Deva (Godly), Manushya (Human) and Rakshasa (Demon) in total and the Gana of Shravana is Deva.
These people gain wisdom and intelligence in their life that they put to good use in philanthropic works. They have a natural desire to serve all living things and make the planet a better place to live.
The motivation of this nakshatra is Artha which represents that the natives of this natives are much into the materialism. These natives will always have the motivation for achieving targets with practical approach.
Tridosha (Ayurveduc Dosha)
Kapha is the connection between things. In the presence of strong Kapha, a person feel motivated, dominating and it gives the person a feeling of completeness. Even when Kapha is in its average state, a person becomes soft towards others and feels the urge of helping.
But Kpaha is weak, the person feel shattered and demotivated. Its natives gains weights or develop allergies and suffer from it.
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