The story of Swati brings us to the Vayu deva who is the deity of this nakshatra. Vayu deva was the father of Bhima (one of the Pandavas) and the spiritual father of Lord Hanuman. When he was a little child, he considered the sun as fruit and marched towards him to eat. Watching Hanuman coming near to him at this speed, Surya deva (the Sun) sought protection from Indra deva (the King of heaven). Indra, then, used his weapon Vajra on Hanuman which struck his jaw. Later, the Gods blessed Hanuman with powers after seeing his guts. And we know the rest. Hanuman was a naughty child and used to pull countless pranks on everyone. Owing to this, he was even cursed to forget his powers. However, he regained his powers when Jambavan, the bear-headed being, during the rescue operation of Sita, reminded him of his powers and past. That is why these people need a mentor to keep them reminding their abilities to win over the world.Compatibility
People of this nakshatra are not so lucky in having a good marital life. Thus, they should try to search for a good partner who understands them well. Besides, the natives of Punarvasu, Chitra, and Hasta get along with the natives of Swati well. On the other hand, the relationship with Rohini and Bharani natives will not be so flourishing.Career
A profession in textile, traveling, engineering, lawyers, judge is good. These natives can also grow well in the profession related to finance.Health
Body gases, leprosy, urinary problems, skin problems, dermatitis, urethra ulceration, and polyuria problems are usually in the natives of Swati.Quality
The quality of this nakshatra is Chara (movable). It represents constant movements which means this nakshatra is the best for the occasion of changing homes, sending posts or emails, or arranging furniture.Caste
Butcher is the caste of the Swati individuals. These people are generally non-traditional. Their mentality is quite opposite to the society. When you talk to them, they will slash your conversation right there. In fact, when they start up their own business, there are chances that it won’t work. But that part is for the beginning only. Later, it will be okay.Sound
Sound for Swati nakshatra individuals are Roo- pada 1, Ray- pada 2, Row- pada 3, Taa- pada 4. It’s good for these people to wear outfits or own brands of these sounds.Remedies
These natives should own a wind chime and hang it in the South or Southwest direction for good luck. Also, these individuals can buy new shoes every year with the color matching to the planet sitting in their nakshatra.Guna
Guna are of three types in total. This profile tells us about the personality of someone. In this case, the Guna is Tamas. People with this Guna are usually inclined towards ignorance, laziness and darkness.Gana (Race)
Gana defines all kinds of relationship between the native and other people. There are Deva (Godly), Manushya (Human) and Rakshasa (Demon) in total and the Gana of Swati is Deva. These people gain wisdom and intelligence in their life that they put to good use in philanthropic works. They have a natural desire to serve all living things and make the planet a better place to live.Purusharatha/Motivation
The motivation of this nakshatra is Artha which represents that the natives of Swati natives are much into the materialism. These natives will always have the motivation for achieving targets with practical approach.Tridosha (Ayurveduc Dosha)
Kapha is the connection between things. In the presence of strong Kapha, a person feel motivated, dominating and it gives the person a feeling of completeness. Even when Kapha is in its average state, a person becomes soft towards others and feels the urge of helping. But Kpaha is weak, the person feel shattered and demotivated. Its natives gains weights or develop allergies and suffer from it.What’s more at AstroBasic:
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