The Yoni animal of Poorva Phalguni is a female rate whose sexual drive is incompetent. She can make love 500 times in just six hours. Same applies to its natives as well.
Typically, the natives of Poorva Phalguni stays calm and relaxed due to its deity. The diety of Poorva Phalguni is Bhaga who represents wild parties, sex, romance, lust and make love to many lovers. It was the way to experience divinity for Bhaga.
Phalgunis are known as the twin constellations which is made by four stars. These fours stars represent the four legs of couch or bed. The symbols symbolises a place where one can rest and enjoy the fruits of good deeds they have done.
A pkatform is also the symbol of this nakshatra. It typically represents a strong place where the leaders speaks with their head high and tries to dominate the minds of many. This platform symbolises the true power and authority.

Once, Daksha organised a yagana at his house. He called every god in the ceremony but Shiva was the husband of his daughter. Sati could not tolerate the insult to her husband so jumped off in the fire of the same yagana of the ceremony. After that, Shiva’s Virbhadra avatar emerged who caused destruction and blinded Bhaga, the deity of Poorva Phalguni.
Thus, there are observations which proves that these natives get burn and bear injuries and issues to their eyes. They also avoid sitting near yagana which causes itching to their eyes.
They are the most romantic and sexually attractive people as we already know. This nakshatra is the most competent with Ardra and Ashwini natives.
Career in Criminal psychology, government services, research, administrative studies,transportation management, automobile sectors, and hotel industries will be good.
Spine curvature, anaemia, leg soreness, ankle swelling, and B.P. impacted valves are common among natives.

The nakshatra has the Ugra quality which means the fierce. Whatever you do on this day will results in violence an dheat up arguments and condition. Under the influence of this nakshatra, one will feel fire within him.
Although it is a nakshatra of innovation, society and sexual desires.
Brahmin is the caste of Poorva Phalguni. These people are passionate about learning and exploring every book and any piece of information. One should never underestimate these people for their sexual desires.
Mo- pada 1, Taa- pada 2, Tee- pada 3, Too- pada 4 are the beneficial sounds for this nakshatra.
These natives must have a bed with a Headboard and it should be placed in the right direction. This is one of the best remedies for these people. The reason behind the headboard is the representation of structure and support as well as luxury.
Also, performing yagana ceremony, bornfire or cooking every month. It can be a good remedy for the people of Poorva Phalguni native.
Guna are of three types in total. This profile tells us about the personality of someone. In this case, the Guna is Rajas. This Guna encourages in completing what has been left in between. Rajas highlights the power of creativity that is present in the whole universe.
Gana (Race)
Gana defines all kinds of relationship between the native and other people. There are Deva (Godly), Manushya (Human) and Rakshasa (Demon) in total and the Gana of Poorva-Phalguni is Manushya.
Basically, those who belong to the Manushya gana have the nature of a god and demon. They will be inclined to make choices for good as well as evil. Such is the mixed nature of Manushya Gana.
The motivation of Bharani native is kama. It represents the aspirations and efforts that are motivated by the passions which involves the feelings, emotions and desire of its native. This is the key to get the success in life.
Tridosha (Ayurveduc Dosha)
The Pitta (Madhya) Dosha is in charge of digestion, metabolism, and energy production hence this is an excellent time to eat. The principal function of Dosha is transformation. A fiery character manifests in both the body and the mind when pitta is strong.
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